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Reports detailing the statistical data gathered from the amputee population in Scotland by the Scottish Physiotherapy Amputee Research Group.


These are the public version of the reports, available to all.

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SPARG annually report on data collated from lower limb amputees in Scotland by the Scottish Physiotherapy Amputee Research Group (SPARG). All major amputations carried out are included, that is, ankle disarticulation (A.D.), transtibial (T.T.), knee disarticulation (K.D.), transfemoral (T.F.), hip disarticulation (H.D.), and transpelvic. Patients having partial amputations of the feet and amputation of the toes are excluded.

All data are entered locally onto the SPARG web-based data base. The data-base has reporting facilities which allow for local data checking and analysis.

National and individual hospital data are presented in these reports. Individual hospital data are summarised to facilitate comparison of outcomes and the benchmarking of services. The data items or key performance indicators for each hospital were identified by a previous, multidisciplinary benchmarking exercise (Scott and Patel 2009). 

Executive Summary Report 2020 and 2021

Infographics 2020 and 2021

SPARG Public Report 2020 and 2021

SPARG Public Report 2019

SPARG Public Report 2018

SPARG Public Report 2017

SPARG Public Report 2016

SPARG Public Report 2015