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SPARG (Scottish Physiotherapy Amputee Research Group) have developed various publications and resources, many of which are available as open access.

Please scroll down the see the SPARG reports.

The following SPARG documents can be found else where on the BACPAR website

Intermittent Claudication Guideline 2022

PPAM Aid Guidelines 2023

PPAM aid Infographic

PPAM aid information for patients

WestMARC knee guides

Transfer videos


If you would like copies of older SPARG reports or paper copies of the original Intermittent Claudication or PPAM aid guidelines please contact 

SPARG Full Reports

Reports detailing the statistical data gathered from the amputee population in Scotland by the Scottish Physiotherapy Amputee Research Group.

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SPARG Public Reports

Reports detailing the statistical data gathered from the amputee population in Scotland by the Scottish Physiotherapy Amputee Research Group.

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