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Freely available guide to various knee joints produced by SPARG


WestMARC knee Guide for the Prosthetic MDT 2020

This guide is intended to assist the prosthetic multidisciplinary in prescribing and training patients to use prosthetic knee joints.
There are links to various quick reference guides below for specific types of knee joints.

Quick Reference Guide for MPK's

Quick Reference Guide for Mechanical Locked Knees 

Quick Reference Guide for Mechanical Free Single Axis Knees 

Quick Reference Guide for Mechanical Free Polycentric Knees 

These guides has been written by NHS clinicians who use these products on a daily basis and who have no commercial interest in their prescription. It is not an evidence based guideline but it is formed from clinical staffs’ expert opinion. All the information supplied about each knee joint has been checked and approved by the appropriate manufacturer and is up to date at time of publishing.