Now open to non members
spring is here
04 chair message
05 editorial and submission guidelines
06 BACPAR bulletin
06 summary of BACPAR agm
08 BACPAR 2017 conference
08 day one
10 day two
13 poster: primary referrals and complex cases meeting
14 pinboard: upcoming amputee cpd events
16 What has the Education Officer been up to?
18 poster: is body image affected by lower limb amputation
19 poster: teach a man to fish: self-management in persons with amputations
20 poster: the perfect prosthesis – an ideology or reality
21 poster: decisions, decisions – determining prosthetic candidacy
22 poster: skin integrity
23 poster: does a krukenberg amputation ever produce a satisfactory outcome?
24 Challenges and Perceptions – Direct Skeletal Fixation following Amputation
26 Amputee Rehabilitation in Musgrave Park Hospital, Belfast
29 poster: formulating a mdt trial and mpk provision process in accordance
with the nhs england policy
33 south Thames study day
34 BACPAR executive officers 2017–18 & BACPAR regional representatives 2018