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BACPAR, ISPO and BAPO Collaborative Conference - Sheffield 27th and 28th September 2012 
Guidelines Update 
BACPAR Membership 2012 
Changing Times in Amputee Rehabilitation 
BACPAR Conference 2011 
ISPO Report 
Falls Efficacy, Health Status and Functional Performance in Transtibial Amputee Fallers vs. Non-fallers 
BACPAR Article – Study Afternoon Feedback 
Femoral Nerve Palsy in a Trans Tibial Amputee Following a Complex Total Hip Replacement 
Moving and Handling of Patients who have undergone Lower Limb Amputation – a Pilot Study 
Wii Fit and Lower Limb Amputee Rehabilitation during a Placement at Basildon University Hospital 
Measuring Patient Satisfaction in Lower Limb Amputees After One Year of Prosthetic Use Using the Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scales (TAPES) 
Phantom Limb Pain Management in the Rehabilitation of Lower Limb Amputees 
Collaborative working between Prosthetics, Vascular Surgery and Diabetic Foot Teams at Kings College Hospital 
The CSP Research Priorities Project – What is it and What Does it Mean for BACPAR Members? 
BACPAR Honory Officers 2011/12 
Guidelines for Journal Article Submission
