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Secretary’s Report
BACPAR Study Day - Gait Analysis for the Lower Limb Amputee
The Views of ‘Expert Patients’ Regarding the Education of 5th Year Medical Undergraduates in the Field of Amputee & Prosthetic Rehabilitation
Limbfitting Discharge Questionnaire - Regional Disablement Services, Belfast
A Tribute to Sam Gallop CBE
A Patient’s Prosthetic Journey Following Multi Trauma and Heterotrophic Ossification of Both Hips and Knees
Using the Reintegration into Normal Living Index in the Follow Up of Patients Who Abandont he Use of Their Prosthetic Limb and Those Who Are not Provided With a Prosthesis
BACPAR South Thames Study Day - 3rd April 2012
Extract from Dissertation “The Effect of Adding Upper Limb Exercises into a Vascular Rehabilitation Exercise Class for Those With Intermittent Claudication”
Genium Study Day ProActive Prosthetics
BACPAR Honory Officers 2011/12
Guidelines for Journal Article Submission