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BACPAR Secretary Report 2010
Five Inch Heels...No Problem
Audit of the Advice and Information Given to Amputees Concerning Falls
BACPAR Bursaries
Graded Motor Imagery Study Day
Bilateral Trans Tibial Amputees with Diabetic Mellitus
PPAM Aid for the Larger Patient
Membership of BACPAR
Amputee Literature from SPARG
My Leg My Life
Another German Victory! - Leipzig ISPO 13th World Congress, May 2010.
Strike It Lucky! 
An Experience of “Uniting Frontiers” ~ Panama, 24th-27th May 2009
Book Review – The AMPUTEE Coach: Empowering you to walk well, be fit and enjoy life!
Surfing USA... ...Well UK Actually!! 
Regional Reports
Review and Analysis of Patients Assessed with Femurett in Regional Disablement Services, Belfast
Guidelines for Journal Article Submission
BACPAR Honorary Officers 2009/10..
